How do I scan?


Scanning to email is a free service. Swipe your card or login manually using the touch screen at a photocopier. 

Select the 'Access Device' function on the touch screen panel 

then select 'Email'. 

Your Kangan or Bendigo email address will be the default email recipient. You can change or add email addresses on the printer touch display.  

At this point you can also select colour or black and white options, double sided and the format you would like to scan your document to.  

If your documents are loose leaf, place them in the document feeder with the writing up; otherwise use the platen glass. ​ 

Press Send in the top right hand corner of the screen to scan. 

The designated email address will receive an email with the scanned document attached. It may come through saying the document was undeliverable. However, if you double click on the attachment it will allow you to access the document. 

Contact Library staff if you require assistance. 

  • Last Updated Jan 18, 2022
  • Views 30
  • Answered By Callum Forrester

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